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Best known for their films "The Path: Afterlife", "The Path: Beyond the Physical" & "The Path: Evolution", Filmmakers Michael Habernig & April Hannah sit down to talk with interesting guests about subjects of consciousness, paranormal activity, lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, energy healing, mediumship, astrology, channeling and all other subjects around new age and spirituality.

Dec 27, 2017

Linda Baker, R.N., C.H.T. is a Certified Alchemical Hypnotherapy Trainer who has studied various forms of healing including Reiki, the Reconnection and Pranic Healing and has taught classes in Alchemical Hypnotherapy in the United States and Japan.. Growing up in Massachusetts, Linda has always felt a connection with...

Dec 25, 2017

Heart Reconcilliation- A Meditation for the Heart


Recorded live at Hannah's Healing Wellness Studio in Saratoga Springs, NY. Guitar played by Dennis Dominick.

Dec 22, 2017


A Course in Miracles says that Miracles are your birthright but purification first is necessary.  Mary shares her most important daily practice. 

Dec 20, 2017

Straight from the Angelic Realm to Earth, Julia is an Angel walking a human life for the first time and here to share her story.

One of her big purposes is to help people live from a higher vibrational way of being and to connect back in with their inner light - their inner calling that is connected to the divine and...

Nov 24, 2017

April Hannah joins Mary on a synchronicity walk in New York City.