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Best known for their films "The Path: Afterlife", "The Path: Beyond the Physical" & "The Path: Evolution", Filmmakers Michael Habernig & April Hannah sit down to talk with interesting guests about subjects of consciousness, paranormal activity, lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, energy healing, mediumship, astrology, channeling and all other subjects around new age and spirituality.

Mar 2, 2020

Sonya Lott received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Temple University and has been licensed as a psychologist in Pennsylvania since 1991. She maintains a private practice devoted to helping individuals, families, and organizations transform their experience of anticipatory, acute, and complicated grief. She has completed advanced training in Complicated Grief Therapy (CGT) through the Center for Complicated Grief at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Social Work.

She currently serves as the Grief Counselor In-residence for the Afterlife Conference.

In addition, she is the founder and CEO of CEMPSYCH, LLC (Continuing Education in Multicultural Psychology), which offers continuing education that supports mental health professionals in cultivating a multicultural orientation, and is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.

You can learn more about her work at and .