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Best known for their films "The Path: Afterlife", "The Path: Beyond the Physical" & "The Path: Evolution", Filmmakers Michael Habernig & April Hannah sit down to talk with interesting guests about subjects of consciousness, paranormal activity, lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, energy healing, mediumship, astrology, channeling and all other subjects around new age and spirituality.

Sep 25, 2023

Born and bred in the funeral business, Brittany Demarco-Furman is proud to be the first female licensed funeral director in her family’s 100 plus year legacy at the Glenville Funeral Home in Glenville, NY. As a fourth generation funeral director, She finds herself navigating between old school tradition and new-age...

Sep 11, 2023

Jean Trewhella is one of the 25 co-authors of The Grief Experience: Tools for Acceptance, Resilence and Connection

While studying Physics at Antioch College, Jean was introduced to dance and found that dancing each semester was a great way to balance heavy intellectual course work. She gained a foundation of body...

Sep 4, 2023

Susan Settler is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She has worked in a variety of clinical settings. Susan currently owns and operates a private practice, Restorative Springs Counseling in New Jersey in which she provides psychotherapy for individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, grief and trauma as well...