Dec 27, 2017
Linda Baker, R.N., C.H.T. is a Certified Alchemical Hypnotherapy Trainer who has studied various forms of healing including Reiki, the Reconnection and Pranic Healing and has taught classes in Alchemical Hypnotherapy in the United States and Japan.. Growing up in Massachusetts, Linda has always felt a connection with God and spirituality and began her career as a psychiatric nurse. After discovering Alchemical Hypnotherapy in 1984 Linda has been working with her clients from a more spiritual place to encourage growth and enable healing. She has authored two books; Soul Contracts: How They Affect Your Life and Your Relationships - Past Life Therapy to Change Your Present Life and The Bridge Between Worlds - The Miracle of Following the Heart. She has additionally co-authored Alchemical Scents: Integrating Hypnosis and Essential Oils.